Saturday, April 28, 2012

Grosvenor's Glenn
April 28, 2012    
This was a week of consolidating and organizing Grosvenors and their decendants. I finally managed to get an obit of Larry Grosvenor. He died in Phoenix and was buried at Green Acres in Scottsdale in the same cemetery with Jack. I got enough info from the obit to create a findagrave memorial and to link him to son Jack and to his parents Fred and Martha at Glenn. Also enough data to make an educated guess that Marie, his wife, is also buried at Green Acres, so I created a memorial for her also. I now need some of the "Arizona Grosvenors" to put the finishing touches to those memorials.... tombstone photos, portraits, family pix, biographical sketches, etc. I knew Larry and Marie only slightly.... as parents of Jack, and a Loooong time ago.
Another biggy this week was locating the Welches. A friend of mine, Carol Ann Carruthers, who grew up in Murphysboro and became a math professor at Kent State, researches for me. You may recall that the three boys were left orphans when Claude B. and Grace Grosvenor Welch were gunned down by a deranged man in E St Louis. Claude Vernon's daughter Cynthia Carlson contacted me a month or so ago when she found the memorial I had created for him on findagrave. Carol Carruthers found Bill in Jefferson Baracks Cemetery and Harold in Lakeview Cemetery in Fairview Illinois. We now have memorials for all with links to Claude and Grace on findagrave.
And finally, another Carol Carruthers find: Some documentation on Edward Earl Grosvenor.... Ship Fitter 1C . The son of Roscoe French Grosvenor. he went missing in action in WWII. His name is inscribed on a Navy monument for the lost at sea, in Battery Park in New York. I will create a memorial.


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